In a dense jungle, the Jedi are put to the test when they confront a rising darkness.

Picking up straight from the end of previous episode Day (night follows day after all) this is the most exciting episode of The Acolyte yet, finally giving us some of the answers that we’ve been waiting for.

When a large number of nameless Jedi were shown to be part of the landing party on Khofar last episode, it seemed obvious they would soon be cut down to size – the Star Wars equivalent of red shirts – and sure enough the Sith master soon slices his way through them. What was less expected was just how far-reaching the carnage would be, proving that there are no sacred cows on this show.

The identity of the Sith master is revealed, and even with a bit of misdirection earlier in the episode, it couldn’t have really been anyone else, unless we’d never met the character before. And they certainly have the moves, as demonstrated in a series of excellent action set-pieces.

Verdict: This is the moment when the show finally hits its stride; let’s see if the three final episodes are enough to make this a classic show. 8/10

Nick Joy