John takes integration to the next level as monogamy poses new problems while Bernard realizes his potential and Lenina questions assumptions.

And so the lengthy trawl to the conclusion of this lacklustre adaptation of the Aldous Huxley sci-fi dystopia classic drags itself towards its conclusion. John is experiencing the power of his implant, uncovering secret memories of his mother, while Bernard is suffering from jealousy (a new emotion). Having tried to find out from servant Gary just how frequent John and Lenina’s sexual hookups are, he plays the emotionally vulnerable John by boasting of his own ongoing relationship with her.

Elsewhere, party planner Helm Watson is discovering the power of emotions, just another crack in this ‘perfect’ world which is now starting to crumble. Henry (an under used Sen Mitsuji) Is asking questions that no-one wants to answer – what exactly did happen to the previous director? – and the unrest among the Epsilon domestic class finally explode.

Verdict:  Considering that there’s only one more episode to go, there’s no great sense of things coming to a head. Yes, there’s a revolution on its way, but is anyone left watching to see how this concludes? 5/10