To prove to Krendler and the ViCAP team that she is fit for duty, Clarice must find the psychological key that will unlock a confession from the suspect in the three river murders.

The Silence of the Lambs sequel continues to shift its format, suggesting that it’s either not yet found its groove or refuses to be tied down. I’d like to think it’s the latter, as this claustrophobic episode which spends a lot of time in an interrogation room is really starting to get us into the skins of the characters.

Clarice captured killer Karl Wellig (Kris Holden-Ried) at the end of series opener The Silence Has Stopped, where he immediately asked if he could cut a deal. Unfortunately, someone has now got to him and he’s changed his tune – he’s playing dumb and refuses to acknowledge any involvement in the murders.

There’s a lot of spinning plates here, emphasising the point made last week that this is a team effort. Clarice might be the name of the show, but it’s the collaboration of ViCAP team members that will win the day. Ardelia Mapp, Paul Krendler, Ruth Martin and Tomas Esquivel all have roles to play, with Clarice continuing to have a belligerent relationship with her psychiatrist.

This episode emphasises just how deep the conspiracy runs, the terrified look on Wellig’s face is telling when he’s informed that his attorney has arrived – he never even appointed one! I did roll my eyes at just how easy it was to escape from an allegedly secure building, but was caught out by the subterfuge of the powerful pharmaceutical company that seems to be pulling the strings.

Verdict: Three episodes in and Clarice continues to establish it’s MO. More than a spin-off of a popular movie, it’s an intelligent crime drama with rich characters. 8/10

Nick Joy