Narvin recalls his first encounter with the Doctor.

It’s a step back a few years in many ways with this latest Short Trip, not just within the fiction of the series for the CIA’s Narvin relaying a tale to a knocked-out Leela regarding his assignment off world that brought him into the Doctor and Adric’s orbit, but also in the real world, with former Big Finish producer Gary Russell returning for what I suspect is a one-off writing and directing gig.

It’s not as continuity-filled as you might except from Russell, with a spot-on evocation of the very very late period Fourth Doctor (one has to assume between Warriors’ Gate and The Keeper of Traken). This is brought to life very well by Seán Carlsen – his Doctor has the timbre, rhythm and pitch of Baker’s performance, with the latter changing the angrier the Doctor gets. David Roocroft’s sound design and music are an excellent complement to the narration.

Don’t worry if you’ve not followed the Gallifrey spin-off audio series – everything you need to know about the characters is provided – and enjoy a different perspective on the Doctor… and a reminder why the Doctor is often so mistrustful of his own people.

Verdict: A highly enjoyable, well told and produced tale. 10/10

Paul Simpson