The ‘Aberration’ has been brought back to Gallifrey – but things on the Doctor’s homeworld are not right…

Guy Adams and A.K. Benedict wrap up this latest arc for the Unbound Doctor and Bernice Summerfield with a trip to the Time Lords’ homeworld, where – yet again – the Doctor is put on trial for his life. Things are a bit different this time, though: it’s his very existence which is apparently threatening the cosmos with utter devastation. But why are Time Lords muttering about a lack of change, when that’s almost been their raison d’être for so long – and why is the Doctor being contacted in Gallifreyan Morse with the word “Now”?

We learn the reason that Lisa Bowerman’s Benny is adorned in Gallifreyan robes on the front cover of this set, as she defends the Doctor against Sean Carlsen’s Narvin as prosecutor. It’s a cleverly plotted tale, which brings in elements from previous Gallifrey based tales, and uses established characters well. It also serves to neatly draw a line under a number of ongoing ideas within this series, and means that David Warner’s Doctor can continue to entertain us for years to come!

Verdict: A satisfactorily intricate tale to wrap things up. 8/10

Paul Simpson

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