Written by Mike Johnson and Mellow Brown

Art by Andres Guinaldo

Titan Comics, out now

Los Angeles 2039 and Ash has helped a young fugitive Replicant called Lexi to escape from the city in return for an unusual payment. 

The appearance of familiar faces from both the movies and previous comic books is a welcome anchor to what has come before, while also providing opportunities to fill in gaps in the narrative.

Andres Guinaldo has crafted some wonderful splash pages that pull us into the grim future noir of the land being the Sea Wall, while back in the city Luv has had a serious complaint filed against her by Officer Mills. She’s soon off to the Santa Barbara archipelago on Mr Wallace’s business to recover material from Selwyn’s estate, but resistance comes from unexpected places.

Verdict: Having completed the world-building in issue #1, familiar faces are now pulled into the mix of the intricately plotted sequel/prequel which never feels less than authentic to the brand. 8/10

Nick Joy