Written by Mike Johnson

Art by Andres Guinaldo

Titan Comics 

Los Angeles 2039 and Luv and her new partner are closing in on Ash.

In this Blade Runner sequel, we flashback to 2018 as Ash takes down a Replicant, believing that she has successfully ‘retired’ him, only to discover he’s still alive 20 years later. This unexpected reunion goes about as well as expected, but he’s prepared to help the former Blade Runner get into town and find her former associate.

As always, the pacing is slick, and the excellent art is particularly impressive in a spread by Andres Guinaldo that details San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge in a state of destruction. The issue ends with the inevitable coming together of Ash and her duplicate.

Verdict: This series continues to impress with its superior plotting and authentic artwork. 8/10

Nick Joy