John reveals why he joined the team as they journey to New Orleans to defeat escaped supernatural serial killer Mike the Spike.

Paul Reubens voicing an evil puppet is the hero 2018 needed and deserved. The central plot here is gloriously sensible and well behaved until… it isn’t. The maniacal glee with which the show throws the possessed Stein puppet at the team is matched only by how genuinely unsettling it is. That’s down to Reubens’ voice work and it makes the ship scenes fly along.

The same can’t be said of Mona and her new creature boyfriend. This is the first Time Bureau plot that’s felt tacked on all year, and it’s not helped by the speed with which it develops. I’m sure a payoff is on the way, but it’s not here right now.

But have no fear, ladies and gentlemen because the show’s ace in the hole is a Welsh troublemaker with a fondness for trench coats. Matt Ryan is on top form here as we get two Johns for the price of one. The one we know is the scowling dour magician of the show to date. The one we don’t is the happy boyfriend who is so traumatized by what he’s done he cuts and runs. The slow reveal on what John did is the smartest thing the show does this episode. The second is having Z and Charlie continue to be caught up in his actions. Those three are immense fun together and this episode is no exception.

The third is that it works. Time is frozen as the episode finishes. John has saved Desmond and altered the timeline forever. Or at least until next episode. The consequences are dire, the fallout no doubt massive. The chances of him caring? Not so much. This is Constantine in love, happy. I can’t think of anything more dangerous.

Verdict: Character driven and surprising, but also a little top heavy this isn’t the Legends at their best. But even on an off day this is the weirdest, sweetest and funniest element of the CWverse by a good long distance. 7/10

Alasdair Stuart