Ben leaps into the life of a spy in Egypt trying to save the life of another spy.

Quantum Leap tosses a lot of balls into the air as this episode frustrates almost as much as it intrigues, and can’t be judged on its own merit. Frustrating because – full disclosure – I’m not a fan of suspense, teases, and dangling plot points. Intriguing because of all the balls it is now juggling. Impossible to rate on its own merits because any rating has to depend on where they go next. Judging by the looks of things, that could be pretty much anywhere – or, more accurately, anywhen.

The ‘main’ plot – in which things go awry (natch) thanks to a cowardly two-faced boss who later redeems himself – paradoxically, takes a back seat to the background stories. Hannah (the waitress/brilliant scientist) returns. Addison’s relationships with Ben and Tom progress – or do they? Bassett does a lovely job conveying, at different points, Addison’s hope and joy, and her disappointment. Whether this current episode turns out to be brilliant or a collection of wasted potential remains to be seen. Several of the potential follow-throughs, if they come to pass, would be major paradigm shifts for the series.

Regardless, it was very nice to see Hannah again and will be interesting to see what comes of that connection. At one point to save Ben, Hannah gives a nice speech and pulls it off well. Other lovely lines from Hannah include, “For a nomad the only home is people. You can still help people, Ben. You don’t need to travel through time to makes things better.” Ben responds, “I spent more than two dozen leaps looking backwards. From now on I go forward.”

Subsequently, Addison pulls off the “they’re in love” line, but I’m not sure the show does. That’s one of the things that remains to be seen, based on what comes next. The lines themselves add to the characterization and drive the plot; we simply don’t yet know what direction. Will the show risk changing directions or find a way to return to the status quo?

A couple directorial quibbles. Ben seems… less than smart to take off on foot across the Sahara. Ditto for ignoring Addison’s wise advice regarding spycraft and how to follow people.

The ending leaves several things up in the air. Ben might not have leaped. Ironic, of course, considering that now they think they can bring him home.

Verdict: Unlike last week, this episode unravels a whole ton of threads. 7/10

Rigel Ailur