With Constantine’s horrifying magical detection system wired into the ship, the team get their next case and it’s a doozy: A Fairy Godmother at the Salem witch trials.

This may be the best episode the show has done since ‘Here I Go Again’. It strikes a really smartly handled balance between comedy (the Fairy Godmother is, brilliantly, played by Jane Carr of Fairly Oddparents), horror and tragedy. There’s a nicely handled continuity thread here too as, last week’s revelation that Zari has found her mother in 2018, gets picked up on. Here she’s desperate to save the mother and daughter at the centre of the disturbance because they become a family she can save by proxy. The show has never been shy about the consequences of time travel but this is an especially nicely handled turn and slowly positions Zari as the heart of the team along with Ray.

Verdict: Rounded out by some fun action and some developments for everyone’s favourite gobshite magician, this is a real winner. The song’s even hummable too. 9/10

Alasdair Stuart