Writer: Jody Houser

Artist: Rachael Stott

Titan Comics, out now

Chasing a mysterious temporal portal, Team TARDIS discover a man trapped in a time loop while also trying to escape the clutches of the Grand Army of the Just.

The second issue of Titan’s Thirteenth Doctor comic doesn’t have to spend any time on set up, throwing the crew members straight into the action, with Yaz encouraged to exert her authority. Unfortunately, this drops the team into prison (a trope that’s been used frequently in this year’s crop of hardback originals) though it’s not long before the Doctor has devised a way out.

We spend some time with the mysterious vortex man, Perkins, hearing about his experiments in temporal physics with wearable tech (vortex manipulators) and there’s a lovely monster and shiny alien word recalled in flashback. The cliffhanger conclusion might not be unexpected if you’ve been following the clues, but there’s enough of a hook to lure you back for more.

Verdict: Rachael Scott’s photo-real recreations of the cast members are quite remarkable and Jody Houser has crafted a script that’s authentic to the Chris Chibnall years. 8/10

Nick Joy