The Doctor and Peri investigate a very familiar-seeming warehouse… a long way from Earth.

Last year’s Jodie Whittaker story Kerblam! hit a few of the same notes as Alice Cavender’s tale for the Sixth Doctor and Peri, narrated by Nicola Bryant, but they’re very different at heart. You may find some plot developments affect you in the same way they do the characters – Cavender is telling a tale that fits into the more violent mid-80s version of the show, and her take on the Time Lord and companion is very much that of Season 22.

There’s some interesting contrasts between the way the alien menace in this is handled compared with similar creatures in recent main range stories (being deliberately vague so as not to spoil the reveal), and there’s a very typically clever Sixth Doctor ruse involved in the final showdown with them. It’s some time since we’ve heard Bryant at Big Finish, and she provides strong vocal characterisations, not just for the Doctor and Peri, but for all those involved.

Verdict: A neatly put together tale, well told by Nicola Bryant. 8/10

Paul Simpson

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