By Sam Maggs

DK, out now

Female Super Heroes Save The World

Written in clear, uplifting manner accessible to fans of all ages and depths of immersion in the Marvel Universe, Fearless and Fantastic! is a delightful introduction to the female saviours of the world – from the big names plastered across the cinema screens like Black Widow and Shuri, to the lesser known (yet equally laudable) heroines such as Squirrel Girl and Firebird.

In a novel move, each hero is categorised by their defining trait (Determined, Daring, Compassionate and Curious), providing immediate insight into their motivations and drawing interesting comparison between characters. Worry not, the contents page maintains ease of access for a focused researcher. The entries are admittedly brief, yet packed with info: her backstory, her powers, her most notable battles, and even the page numbers of her friends and allies. A full-page illustration of the heroine and a quote from her completes the well-rounded introduction to the pantheon of female superheroes.

Verdict: Small, yet perfectly formed, Fearless and Fantastic! provides a wonderful first encounter with the heroines of Marvel, tantalising the reader to venture deeper into the universe. 8/10

Sophie Simpson