With communication seemingly haven broken down with Species 10-C, Earth and Ni’Var prepare to evacuate their citizens before the DMA impacts.

Nothing would give me more pleasure than saying that the Discovery season finale pulls something special out of the bag to compensate for what has been a lacklustre year. Sadly not, and while there are explosive moments, there’s no surprises, and the one genuine shock moment isn’t what you think it is.

Apart from one member of the cast, everyone is back where they were at the beginning of the year, the reset button having been punched. And dare I say it, everyone’s just a little bit smug and pleased with themselves. Even the consequences of some really poor/mutinous choices are punished with ‘Ah, you didn’t really mean it.’ While conflict has never been the main driver of Star Trek (the future is one of hope) the lack of credible jeopardy this season has sapped the drama out of most of the encounters.

Did we ever really expect the DMA to destroy Earth? Of course not. But it has been such a convoluted affair, with too many side missions and diversions to detract from the main season arc. The Burn was handled much better as a series arc, as indeed was the Red Angel. The DMA ultimately proved to be a big bad that was put in its place only when the story demanded it.

Verdict: After four seasons, we’ve grown to embrace this crew, but this is their weakest year. Let’s hope Burnham and Co are better served next time. 6/10 

Nick Joy