Paramount, out now

The opening 10 episodes of the Star Trek original series prequel as they were meant to be seen…

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I consider Strange New Worlds to be the best of the new Star Trek live action shows (and it’s a tough call between it and Prodigy as to which is the best overall 21st century series), and it’s a real shame that its broadcast in the UK is restricted to HD, and not 4K on Paramount+… If you invest in this set, you’ll see just how much the cinematography benefits from the increased blacks, the almost-but-not-quite lurid primary colours of the uniforms, and the intricacies of the effects from Jason Zimmerman and his team.

Our reviews of the individual episodes can be found here. For once – and perhaps because we don’t get a Blu-ray set of discs alongside the 4K – the extras are on these discs, rather than having to go through the faff of changing discs to get to hear the commentary or watch the bonus episode (the logical choice of Balance of Terror… if you don’t know why that’s here, then definitely you need to get this set!). The extras are fun, if non-essential.

Verdict: Definitely something Star Trek fans will want on their shelves. (Buy a 4K player if you need to…) 10/10

Paul Simpson