“Aggression is the better part of valor.” “Discretion! Discretion is the better part of valor.”

Spoiler warning: Do not read the opening credits. Reading the opening credits will ruin a particularly charming reveal in the episode.

This week we ping-pong between Boston, Laos and Rome and see great forward motion on all fronts. Lexi and Danny pick up another team member and pursue the Spirit Banner. Chuck and Kate investigate the CIA/Vatican historical connection. One quibble regarding that latter: I don’t remember Chuck as so gullible in season 1. (Perhaps a great reason to rewatch it? What a huge sacrifice.)

Yes, by design Chuck represents a contrast to the more edgy, hard-bitten Kate, the formerly larcenous Lexi, and the tough, driven Danny. Chuck also often provides the humor. No problem per se on either count. But that works best when not done at the expense of the character’s intelligence. At times the show veers dangerously close to making Chuck just plain stupid, which does the character and the whole show a great disservice. It can do better. Mark Gagliardi carries it off with winsome aplomb thus far, but he shouldn’t need to work so hard.

In a callback to the technique used to excellent effect in episode 3, this episode shows us parallel concurrent conversations. One includes Danny, the other, Lexi. These two talks play out nicely in concert with each other and reinforce really nice bits of characterization all while forwarding the plot and not killing the action. They also drive home the underlying theme of the season.

Blood & Treasure may claim finding the treasure as its main goal. This season, however, the show unequivocally focuses on Danny and Lexi finding their way to the next level of their relationship. If the show stays true to form – as I fervently hope it will – the ‘how?’ rather than a question of ‘if’ provides the suspense.

In the meantime, the Great Khan continues to ramp up his worldwide attacks, increasing the stakes and the pressure on Lexi and Danny to get the Spirit Banner first and to figure out his strategy so they can better combat him. Plus, don’t drink the snake wine.

Verdict: In this delightful episode, flower power prevails. 9/10

Rigel Ailur