dwea0303_theravelliconspiracy_1417The TARDIS lands at the farmhouse of one of the great thinkers of all time…

I don’t think I’ve enjoyed a Hartnell era story from Big Finish quite as much as this one – it feels as if a Dennis Spooner script from the time has been found, dusted off, given a quick makeover for audio, and then recorded. And it’s not just that new (to Big Finish) writers Robert Khan and Tom Salinsky have produced an excellent pastiche of the tales of the time (down to the Jack Douglas-esque guard captain, some of whose lines had been laughing out loud thanks to Joe Bor’s deadpan delivery – which worried a few other dogwalkers!), but they’ve told a strong tale in its own right. If you enjoyed Gareth Roberts’ story The Plotters, then you’ll probably love this too.

Signor Machiavelli is at the heart of the many different intrigues, as you might expect in a story set featuring him and the de Medicis, and Mark Frost brings him to life with elan, his scenes with Peter Purves as the first Doctor sparkling as they spar. The two de Medici brothers are similarly well characterised and played – a return encounter with Jamie Ballard’s impulse-control-less Giovani and Robert Hands’ sometimes long-suffering Pope Leo X could be great fun (particularly, say with Troughton’s Doctor…) – while Olivia Poulet’s Carla is vexing even when you almost sympathise with her.

Peter Purves and Maureen O’Brien are on fine form in their multiple roles as narrator, companion and Doctor, rising to the challenges of a script which picks up on Vicki’s well meaning naivety and Steven Taylor’s amazing ability to say the right thing at just the wrong time.

Full marks to all involved on the production side too: there are some nice little directorial touches from Lisa Bowerman, and clever sound design and period music from Toby Hrycek-Robinson. Let’s have more from this entire team – Khan and Salinsky’s next script is eagerly awaited!

Verdict: Not to be missed. 10/10

Paul Simpson

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