Picard and Soji transport to the planet Nepenthe, home to some old and trusted friends. As the rest of the La Sirena crew attempt to join them, Picard helps Soji make sense of her recently unlocked memories.

It’s likely that this is the episode that the biggest fans of the Next Generation will get the greatest kick out of, with Picard joined by Riker and Troi for the hour, and not just as cameos. You can debate till the Gorns come home how likely it is that Picard and Soji just so happened to arrive on this planet, but the likelihood of this serendipity really doesn’t matter. The joy and the emotion of the three interacting is wonderful, the embraces being real – this is the one with the feels.

Riker and Troi have set up on this remote planet with their young daughter, and we discover that life has not always been kind to them since we last saw them about 20 years ago. Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis slip effortlessly back into their roles, teasing Jean-Luc while also being there for him in this moment of need. Isa Briones’ Soji is also particularly effective this week, coming to terms with her creation and now not knowing who to trust.

Elsewhere, Romulan Nerissa is furious that Hugh has let her prized subject escape and starts wreaking vengeance, while brother Narek is pursuing La Sirena in his Snakehead Scout Ship. He seems to know their exact location at every turn, so who is he tracking? Agnes is struggling with her conscience and reflecting on what she has done, taking drastic measures to help her crew mates, and even Elnor gets his own sub-plot to justify his role as being more than Picard’s muscle.

The episode is schizophrenic, flitting between the relative calm on the planet and the conflict in outer space, but it works because of our emotional investment in the characters. We’re getting to know (and like) the new crew as well as being spoilt by sharing time with some legacy favourites. For Picard and Soji it’s a time to rest and reflect before reentering the fray and starting the trek to the mystery home world.

Verdict: The return of Riker and Troi was always going to be a big deal, and it’s a delight to spend so much time in their company. The action continues around the Borg Cube artefact, setting up the rest of the season, but for a short time you can sink into the company of some dear friends and hark back to glory days. 9/10

Nick Joy

Read our interview with Marina Sirtis about appearing in Picard here