Simone continues her quest to destroy the Holy Grail in order to get the all-powerful ‘Mrs Davis’ AI to shut herself down.

This might be the shortest review I ever write, as I don’t think there’s any point attempting to explain the plot of Mrs Davis in any more detail. Suffice it to say, a lot of stuff happens – heads explode, Simone meets her mother-in-law (remember that she is actually married to Jesus Christ himself), the Grail nearly makes it to the Superbowl but ends up in a whale instead, the mortal perils of locking yourself in a piano are explored, there’s an adventure inside a Trojan Sofa…

You get the general idea.

Despite the seemingly random twists and handbrake turns of the story, Mrs Davis is remarkably coherent, and as it reaches its conclusion its various theses about faith, magic and rationality become clearer, and it makes for a surprisingly coherent, highly entertaining, and joyously original watch.

Verdict: Trust me on this, the less said, the better. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. 8/10

Martin Jameson