Lister, Rimmer and Cat find out what it’s like to be a robot servant when their minds are uploaded into mechanoid bodies.

Siliconia is one of those high-concept episodes that will ultimately be remembered as The One Where Everyone Becomes Kryten, and as ideas go, this is a neat one. In fact, it’s not just the boys from the Dwarf who undergo the transformation – there’s a whole bunch of other Mechs populating the episode, including The Inbetweeners’ James Buckley.

After the season’s lower-key opener, this is more of a budget-buster, featuring a great arena set where two mop-wielding Mechanoids go all Thunderdome. It’s all good fun, and laughs are raised from the regulars acting to type and those beats when you know exactly what’s coming next. It’s easy humour and great to be in the company of these mates, but is it classic Red Dwarf.

Verdict: If you smile when it’s revealed that the acronym for the Mechanoid Intergalactic Liberation Front is MILF, you’ll be in safe hands. Others might feel that the grand plot idea isn’t really much more than that, but having the crew all as a Kryten makes for a great photo-op, and Chris Barrie’s impression of Kryty is spot on. 7/10

Nick Joy