A Moclan ceremony means Bortus needs some time on Moclus, and the ship is redirected there. Ed is openly depressed about not being with Kelly and Doctor Finn’s son is about to either get into or cause a lot of trouble…

This is a deeply odd episode to open season 2 with for a couple of reasons. There are no pyrotechnics, no big plot events just a bunch of very character centric material. It’s a great choice too, for the most part. The weak link is the Ed and Kelly relationship where, while you can understand the need to re-state it, it still feels a lot like mopey incompetent Ed should have been left behind in season 1. The ‘driveby’ joke falls completely flat and is only partially redeemed by the sweet, well observed ending.

Elsewhere the episode fares a lot better. Gordon’s plot, working up the courage to ask the new Dark Matter cartographer out, is played for laughs but actually does a good job of remind us that the pilot is actually crushingly unconfident. Similarly, Kelly’s new found relationship with onboard teacher Cassius. Chris Johnson gives the teacher a gentle, rounded edge which is both anathema to the driven Kelly and a welcome change from ‘Asshole new boyfriend’. Their relationship works and the budding friendship with Ed feels organic and earned too.

The Jal’oja itself, Bortus’ yearly urination, isn’t played for as many laughs as you might think. I mean, every pee joke you can imagine is in there but it’s less of a plot and more of a canvas for other plots to happen across. Or splash if you will.

Anyway, it’s surprisingly courteous and well handled (Although apparently included way more noises in the original cut) and serves to act as the backdrop to the string of smaller plots. Not at all what you’d expect but for the most part, pretty successful. Plus, tying the whole thing together with ‘As Time Goes By’ is just classy.

Verdict: Not the episode you were expecting but perhaps the one you need. A little fractious, a little untidy but it’s got a massive heart. 7/10

Alasdair Stuart