The Doctor takes Rose to one of the most amazing places in the universe – just in time to thwart an alien invasion with the help of a very useful ally…

As enjoyable as John Dorney’s opener, Guy Adams’ “celebrity historical” features the Chevalier d’Eon, whose somewhat chequered history informs the story throughout. Nickolas Grace is perfect casting for the role, fey when required, but with a core of steel at his heart – the scenes between him and Tennant discussing, or engaging in, sword play are terrific fun, and I won’t be surprised if some people in the months to come somehow believe they’ve seen this story. This sort of thing can fall apart on audio, but between Adams’s script, Nick Briggs’ clear direction, and Howard Carter’s sound design, you’re never at a loss as to exactly who’s fighting whom, and how they’re faring.

There are some nasty moments in this story, as appropriate to the era, and plenty of chances for both Tennant and Billie Piper to demonstrate the different sides to their characters – and the affection that the Doctor and Rose have for each other. You get the definite sense of two friends having an absolute ball as they travel around the universe.

Verdict: Another spot-on addition to Series 2. 9/10

Paul Simpson