Jack and Ianto go undercover in what seems to be the perfect place…

This is an interesting tale from James Moran that puts the spotlight on Jack and Ianto, and very carefully teases out what makes their relationship work – and also why, with the best will in the world, it might not have survived for much longer than Children of Earth. (I appreciate that that last sentiment may be heresy for some who expect them to have been together until the End of Time…) It’s a strong blend of domestic and other which provides John Barrowman and Gareth David-Lloyd with some fun moments – and also does what the best Russell T Davies scripts do, and turn the emotions and tone on a sixpence.

You get a definite Stepford feel from the early part of the story – something to a degree lampshaded in the script – and it takes a little bit of time to find out what’s going on. Once the threat is revealed, then things kick up a notch, and Moran ensures there’s a moral dimension to Jack and Ianto’s attitudes… foreshadowing decisions coming not too far down the line for the good captain.

With nicely judged performances from guest cast Ellie Darvill, Deirdre Mullins and Joe Shire under Scott Handcock’s direction, you can understand why it was released to mark the 10th anniversary of Ianto’s passing.

Verdict: Some interesting insights against an unusual backdrop, even for Torchwood! 9/10

Paul Simpson

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