A documentary about Oliver’s life on both sides of the law forces the vigilante issue to a head.

This is, for the most part, brilliant. The documentary footage and the long duration of the production gives the show a chance to bring back some old favorites (Captain Lance! Thea!) and also to look back on just how far Oliver and co have come. He used to kill people A LOT and seeing how much he’s changed is oddly hopeful.

Plus the episode finally and irrevocably closes the vigilante issue down and, better still, heals the rift in Team Arrow. With everyone forced to work together, even Dinah finds herself choosing a side. The way the show dealt with the legality of vigilantes has varied between fascinating and, well, season 6. Combining the resolution of that with everyone finally back on the same page has some genuine emotional impact to it and the ending is especially sweet.

It isn’t all wine and roses though. The documentary format getting swapped out for a usual episode feels clunky at first although it does lead to some good moments. More tellingly it throws the pacing off a bit and the episode never quite gets past it. Or the flashforwards for that matter That being said, the reveal on Connor Hawke is nice and the future plot is pushing ahead quite comfortably now.

Verdict: A little lumpy then but still big fun. 8/10

Alasdair Stuart