Realising they’ve been abandoned on the island, the teenagers try to find a way of getting help…

A fast return for the animated series set originally in and among the events of the first Jurassic World movie, but which now takes place in its immediate aftermath. The youngsters who were part of a camp experience – for their own various reasons – missed their chance of getting away from the island, and now have to deal with not just the dinosaurs, who unsurprisingly are running wild, but their own feelings of guilt over their actions.

If I were overly cynical, I’d wonder if this first episode was originally thought of as part of the first season, given the way that it ends, but it reminds us of all the teenagers’ key characteristics – Darius’ love of dinosaurs and his overwhelming need to be useful; Kenji’s childishness; Brooklynn’s self-absorption; Yasmina’s athleticism, and Sammy’s wild enthusiasm. There’s a well-choreographed chase involving the T Rex, and a quick reminder of two other key characters, the apparently-deceased Ben and the definitely deceased Frederick Bowman, Darius’ father. It all seems too good to be true at the end… which means that something’s about to go hideously wrong.

Verdict: With Dominion’s release pushed further and further back, Jurassic Park/World fans have something to enjoy – and if this maintains the standard of the first season, then it may even outshine the movies. 8/10

Paul Simpson