The sisters are reunited with dad and Doctor Belshaw, his partner in all things. She has… some problems, she admits. Elsewhere Huck and Felix work on their trust issues and Huck finds herself in the crosshairs of her student, Jadis.

The title of this episode runs through every one of the plot strands. The two sisters clash in particular over their changing priorities and more importantly, their methods. Hope’s horror that Iris has killed a CRM soldier is tangible and justifiable. Similarly, Iris can’t see past her sister’s newfound, if not fondness then certainly context for, the CRM.

It’s doubly true of Doctor Belshaw (Natalie Gold) and Leo (Joe Holt). In one of the smartest uses of flashbacks I’ve seen any of these shows use, the episode opens with Leo and Lydia running for their lives from a group of Empties. What becomes apparent very quickly is this is the earliest days of Leo’s time at the CRM. What he glimpses there pays off in the present day and forces him to ask that question of Belshaw even as she asks it of him.

Huck and Felix are orbiting the same issue, albeit at a very different speed. Again, the show makes some smart choices as their fundamental familiarity with one another and professional trust override the betrayal both feel. On Huck’s side this is complicated by the arrival of Jadis, who has spent her years since leaving The Walking Dead apparently being trained to be a military police officer who instantly senses something off about her mentor, Huck. On Felix’s side, it’s complicated by being locked in a freezer with the CRM’s stocks of the bioweapon Lydia has been developing.

Meanwhile, Will wants back into the CRM and gets Dev, India’s son to help him. This goes exactly as well you think it would. Abubkar Ali didn’t get much to do but did well with what he got. Likewise Jelani Alladdin as Will is making his mark and looks set to be a key player in the final episodes. Oh and on top of all of this, Elton is struggling with the knowledge that Asha (Madelyn Kientz) requires medical attention that will absolutely go away the moment the CRM is attacked. Just in time for Iris to declare war on them. Iris who, in the opening lines of the episode, all but throws Silas under the bus or at least under the security detachment.

Verdict: Heroes, scientists, victims, survivors, all of them ask the titular question this week and none of them like the answer. However, if you’re a fan, you will. 8/10

Alasdair Stuart