by Daniel Wallace

Titan Books, out now

A wide-ranging collection of lightsabers profiled from across the Star Wars saga…

Last year, as part of one of the Prop Store auctions, there was an exhibition of props at the BFI IMAX, with assorted goodies from across the decades – including a number of lightsabers. Seen on their own, without the benefit of special effects, it has to be said that they don’t look particularly special (heresy to some Star Wars fans I know!) but once they have the addition of the light element, then yes, there is indeed something quite captivating about them. The end of The Mandalorian’s first season led to multiple debates on line about what exactly the colour and shape of the lightsaber meant for the future and past of the series; fans got overexcited when Kylo Ren’s lightsaber was first revealed.

Author Daniel Wallace is very aware that fans hone in on different aspects of the lightsabers – whether it’s their history, their look, or the person wielding them. All three are amply covered in the double page spreads with a picture of the owner (and you may find some of the namings interesting) a shot of the lightsaber as used in battle (ie fully extended), and then the hilt. The format of the book (what was once known as Garfield shape in the industry, after the innovative way Jim Davis’ publishers released the compilations of daily strips) works very much in its favour, with some extended pages folded in.

The text is both in-universe and factual, with information on how the lightsaber was used, who came up with its unique elements, and how it plays in the film and/or TV series in which it appears, as well as a more general overview of their place in the saga (again both in-universe and factually).

Verdict: A lightsaber fan will think it’s the best thing since [insert your Star Wars film of choice]; for others, it’s a fascinating if niche look. 8/10

Paul Simpson

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