McCall tries to have a day off as Dante takes his father to a funeral…

Dante father and son bonding is different to most. The pair lead the adventure this episode as the others ostensibly have a day off for a block party, and a chance to socialise and otherwise relax. Just as with the funeral, matters are never destined to be as simple.

Coming off the back of last week’s harrowing viewing ordeal, this is another case that may be familiar in format in that it places the spotlight on one of the supporting cast, in this case Dante. As he inches closer to a romance with McCall, his attempts at a normal meetup at a scheduled peaceful community event have been thwarted by plans made by his father Big Ben – or so we are initially led to believe – involving a funeral for an old colleague of Ben’s. However, deadly killers come for them both, and the reasons why finally become clear. Outnumbered and outgunned, the situation is not one they can come out of unscathed, but the true trauma is inflicted emotionally by Ben on Dante with his reveal that he has a brother with an entirely different family, and Ben’s web of deceit mostly has been built around this.

As ever, when there is a huge stress placed on Dante’s shoulders, it seems to occur just as it appears he and McCall might get their collective act together and sets them two steps back. Dante will be required to first process the revelation and then decide what to do with it afterward. Given everyone he has to hand though, it should not take him long to find his brother if that it is his decision. That meeting will likely come soon enough.

With his life at stake, Dante has less time to worry about McCall’s ex returning to the scene hoping he might be able to rekindle their relationship. Vi is somewhat alert to the situation even whilst McCall questions whether her lifestyle allows for a relationship at all. Vi herself is busy taking on another old rival at baking as part of the festivities.

Dee’s situation is less comfortable though, as a chance meeting with an old friend results in an encounter with his friend who puts her in an unwinnable position with a theft. Because this is an act of desperation rather than idle gain, Dee is forced to consider the moral dilemma, and so gets to see a side of her mother’s calling without any choice in the matter. It gives her much to consider, even as she was thinking about leaving her studies, and just as she has clearly resolved one difficult personal choice, another finds her with little delay.

Verdict: A solid episode with a big reveal to take us into the next stage of the season. 7/10

Russell A. Smith