Evil One, The coverThe Doctor and Leela investigate a deserted ship, but someone is messing with Leela’s mind…

It may only last for two episodes, but this story, written and directed by Nick Briggs, has an epic scope – moving from the investigation of the ship, and the discovery of the apparent menace at its heart, to the Doctor finding himself the target of the last person of whom he should be frightened. The relationship between Time Lord and Sevateem huntress has been considerably tested during this season, and this story wouldn’t have worked as well as it does had it not come on the heels of their questioning of each other.

It’s not a spoiler to indicate that the Master is involved, with Geoffrey Beevers returning to the role; Big Finish currently have two incarnations plaguing the various Doctors, with each being expanded neatly. As ever, he’s playing for high stakes, and trying to use the Doctor’s friends against him – but the manner this time is rather different, and picks up on an element of The Face of Evil which, as is pointed out in the CD extras, was ignored in the TV series.

Gareth Armstrong and Michael Keating complete the guest cast, each given sufficient to do to establish their characters separate from the TARDIS crew (something which isn’t always the case in these shorter stories). But this is a story that once again provides Louise Jameson with some new angles on Leela and it will be interesting to revisit some of the TV stories set after this with these in mind.

Verdict: A nice balance of character material and a large scale. 8/10

Paul Simpson

Click here to order The Evil One from Big Finish

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