After a terrifying experience, Lisey opens up the gates of her memory to find answers in Scott’s world of Boo’ya Moon.

It’s the aftermath of Lisey’s savage attack by super stalker Jim Dooley, who (apart from a short sequence where he updates the professor) steps back into the shadows this week. That’s not to say it’s an easier watch, because instead of vicious violence towards women we instead experience a horrific half hour of child brutality. Stephen King is not giving us an easy ride in this adaptation of his novel.

Most of the episode is devoted to a flashback within a flashback where Lisey (Julianne Moore) recalls Scott (Clive Owen) telling her how his brother died. And it’s an awful tale. Paul has ‘got the bad’ in the eyes of their disturbed father and is chained up and drugged in the barn. He spends his days screaming like a banshee, with young Scott looking on in terror (kudos to Clark Furlong and Sebastian Eugene for their wide-eyed performances). It all ends one fateful day, and it’s a moment forever etched on the writer’s mind – but also spurs Lisey into action, who now knows what she must do to save Amanda.

Verdict: Another tough hour, but by the end it feels like there’s some renewed momentum to take us towards the final act. 8/10

Nick Joy