After the Doctor tries to teach Adric a lesson, the crew get embroiled with an unusual colony…

The latest set of Tom Baker adventures takes us to the end of his tenure, with a story set between State of Decay and Warriors’ Gate in Season 18. The recent Blu-ray release has allowed a chance to re-evaluate the stories in this period, and there’s a world (universe?) weariness about Baker’s portrayal of the Doctor that fits the frustration that fuels much of the Time Lord’s actions in Marc Platt’s story. It’s a period when the TARDIS crew are trying to work out how to cope together – Romana knows that she’s been summoned back to Gallifrey; Adric has stowed away and isn’t at all sure of either his welcome or his place, K9 has issues of his own, and the Doctor… Well, maybe he suspects he’s nearing the end of this incarnation.

The irritation is almost palpable throughout this tale – particularly between the Doctor and Adric (the venom with which Baker delivers certain lines, notably in the final part, is miles from the ‘all teeth and curls’ persona we normally associate with the character). Director Nicholas Briggs has his work cut out to ensure the strands involving Baker, Matthew Waterhouse, Lalla Ward and John Leeson all have the necessary weight, and give guest stars Nimmy March, George Watkins, Liam Fox, and Amy Downham space to develop their characters.

As ever, Marc Platt has some intriguing concepts at the heart of the tale, and shows a love for the era that ensures this story dovetails nicely with the feel of Season 18, as well as foreshadowing some of Adric’s behaviour with the fifth Doctor.

Verdict: An interesting and engaging story. 9/10

Paul Simpson

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