It takes two Osgoods to find out what’s happened to Josh Carter…

Big Finish’s foray into the post-Day of the Doctor era (I don’t want to say 12th Doctor, as technically it could be at any point after the 50th anniversary tale) continues with this initial story featuring both Zygon and human version of Petronella Osgood – giving Ingrid Oliver a chance to argue strongly with herself over many issues, but often finding a lot of common ground with her other self… particularly when it comes to rescuing Josh Carter.

Sarah Grochala’s debut script for Big Finish works well – if you’ve got a Zygon on the team, put them to good use, and Osgood’s impersonation of journalist Jacqui McGee is a legitimate ploy. Talking of Ms McGee, how did I miss her Hulk-ian origins before – has anyone said to her “you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry” yet?!

As with the Paternoster Gang story in this set, there’s some clear re-establishment of what makes the various characters tick, achieved without ever losing the essential pacing of a UNIT tale. Helen Goldwyn once again marshals her troops effectively and balances the varying requirements of the story well.

Verdict: An enjoyable tale to conclude a strong set – more next year please! 9/10

Paul Simpson