Book tries to deal with his grief by putting himself in peril, but is he the best man for the job?

The anomaly that destroyed Book’s homeworld of Kewjian last week is front and centre in this second episode of the new season of Discovery. A roving, binary black hole, it presents an immediate danger to worlds in its path (Federation and non-Federation), who would rather not evacuate again following the recent Burn.

Discovery approaches the anomaly in a fact-finding mission, and wouldn’t you just know that the best ship and person for the exploration is Book – but is he mentally fit to do so? Burnham is split between her professional and personal priorities, but she’s given no choice by Book, who threatens to go rogue if he’s not cut loose. He’s joined by a neuro-linked hologram of Stamets (the two have historically not got along) and before the hour’s up they’ve worked out their differences and successfully surfed to safety.

The anomaly is an impressive ‘big bad’ for the season, with extra crew drama provided by Tilly feeling out of sorts and Gray attempting to enter a synthetic body (with namechecks to Captain Picard and Dr Soong). Saru – or Mr Saru as he is now to be known – appears out of the blue, asking to become Burnham’s second in command. It’s great to have Doug Jones back on the bridge, but very little was made of his work back home, and let’s hope he’s not just here to deliver fortune cookie pearls of wisdom to Michael.

Verdict: With a greater sense of urgency and a little less smugness, this is a stronger episode than the premiere and sets out the stall for remainder of the season. 7/10

Nick Joy