Tensions rise as representatives from across the galaxy gather to confront the threat of the Dark Matter Anomaly. 

Star Trek:  Discovery’s fourth season reaches its mid season break with an important hour of drama, though those looking for action might feel short-changed. Focusing on two main plot threads (though there’s some time spent on Gray’s planned transfer to Trill) all eyes are on the DMA and Zora.

Let’s start with ship’s computer Zora who has developed sentience and now refuses to follow the chain of command. The emotional computer has found the source coordinates for the DMA, but stubbornly refuses to hand them over. The conversations between her, Stamets and David Cronenberg’s Kovich are an intriguing battle of words, and the resolution provides a reasonable (if fragile) resolution.

The more pressing matter is how to tackle the DMA, and an assembly from Federation and non-Federation planets convene to discuss the two options. On one side, they could approach Species 10C and through first contact try to discover the reason for their belligerent actions. Alternatively, blast them out of the universe using Tarka’s weapon. The vote is split, but will the losing side accept the winners’ decision? There’s a lot of talk, and things only really take off in the final five minutes, but the throw forward to the second half of the season looks intriguing.

Verdict: An exciting mid-season episode that builds on the preceding six hours – but let’s hope things kick up a gear in 2022. 7/10

Nick Joy