Sharing your mind with an alien isn’t necessarily always a good thing…

Ben Tedds’ tale to wrap up the most recent set of Short Trips is read by Sophie Aldred, and although the narrator isn’t Ace, there’s plenty of opportunity for her to play her TV character as well as McCoy’s Doctor. There’s a lot about the specific situation in which Maria finds herself, but Tedds uses the psychic projection at the heart of the story to give an insight into the Doctor and Ace’s own relationship – and at a time that’s quite pivotal (saying any more would be too much of a spoiler).

Lisa Bowerman allows the mood to build – it’s a little much to call it misdirection, but you certainly end the story feeling as if it’s about something very different than it starts – and Richard Fox’s sound design encompasses the various levels of narration involved. As with earlier Trips in this collection, there’s a framing device, but this one works well.

Verdict: An enjoyable look at the popular TARDIS team from a new perspective. 8/10

Paul Simpson

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