The Eleven makes his move – but Kate Stewart has an ace… or rather a curator… up her sleeve…

Andrew Smith once more takes up the reins for this final story in the first box set, which finishes on a cliffhanger that is considerably kinder to one of the characters than I’d expected him to be. (And that’s not a criticism – for all of their errors, the series would be poorer without them.) We get some interesting details on the Curator, although nothing that provides a definite answer as to exactly who is (“He’s someone Kate trusts,” Osgood explains to Josh, which is good enough for them) and indeed the opening scene provides a load more questions!

The game of cat and mouse regarding the Arch comes to a head with the Curator and the Under Gallery key to both UNIT and the Eleven’s plans, and we get more than a few scenes in a very unexpected locale. I don’t want to spoil the twists of this one – and I suspect it’ll reward a second listening – but the stakes are raised… ready for the second set.

Verdict: Tom Baker’s on cracking form as the Curator in a strong conclusion. Roll on set 2! 9/10

Paul Simpson

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