The Cerritos visits the Ferengi homeworld.

Whenever an episode of DS9 was centred around the Ferengi, my heart sank a little – I never found Quark and co to be that funny. And so an episode about trying to get Ferenginar to join Starfleet did not fill me with joy – but it actually proved to be the best episode so far this season.

In addition to the political manoeuvres (and I won’t reveal some familiar special guests), the lower deckers spend some time on Ferenginar, which is like Vegas to the extreme. There’s Uncle Quark’s Youth Casino, a museum of haggling, and a Federation Experience that’s just like the Vegas Star Trek Experience. Tendi and Rutherford pretend to be married to get a discount and risk a hefty punishment if they get caught, Mariner picks a fight with Ferengi bikers, and Boimler gets addicted to daytime TV.

Verdict: ‘A Dagger of the Mind on the rocks.’ Some lovely Easter Eggs and genuinely funny moments make this the Season 4 standout to date. 9/10

Nick Joy