Time is shattering – but the Doctor has a plan…

Lou Morgan picks up the reins for the middle and final segments of the Timejacked saga, taking us on a whirlwind tour of history in this second part as the Doctor and Keira try to put right what the Time Agent has – hopefully not irrevocably – screwed up. Anachronisms and alien artefacts abound as the aftereffects begin to become increasingly noticeable, and the Doctor’s Heath Robinson lash-up to save the day has a great deal of work to do… and he can’t do it all himself.

Morgan brings the Doctor and Keira closer together through their shared experiences, and Jacob Dudman captures that quality that Peter Capaldi brought to the 12th Doctor where the brusque exterior can ever so slightly mellow when circumstances dictate – but which remains in full force most of the rest of the time. Bhavnisha Parmar’s Keira has had a lot of the rough edges and the overconfidence knocked from her and has realised that the Doctor can be far more than just a handy taxi service. Helen Goldwyn keeps the tension high with Lee Adams’ sound design handling narrative functions well.

Verdict: A clever title (and blurb!) for a clever story. 8/10

Paul Simpson

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