The season finale shoots and scores big time. When does season 3 start?

Per last week’s setup, the action converges in Hong Kong. Violet wants her trillion-plus dollars and wants to utterly obliterate Hong Kong which she despises because of her history there. Lexi and Danny, of course, want to stop her and prevent her from killing seven million people. Shaw and Chuck assist most ably.

No spoilers this time. Much better to watch with a fresh eye because this episode completely fulfills yet completely twists expectations. The whole cast gives tour de force performances, with plenty of great interaction and one particularly well-done emotional and suspenseful scene. The great writing skillfully propels the story forward. Directing-wise, I would have preferred less on-camera carnage – however well it fit the plot; and no, I’m not calling it gory – and a bit less stupidity from a particular cop, however understandable. Considering this installment’s title and the characters involved, those choices make sense.

Watch the passport.

Verdict: A wild ride that resolves every plot thread more than satisfactorily. 10/10

Rigel Ailur