The UK has been shut down because of COVID-19 – and Dorian is on a train from Paddington…

It’s Thursday afternoon, 26 March, as I type this review; this script was written last Monday (23rd March), recorded and sound designed, then uploaded ready for distribution in the last 72 hours. It’s a testament to writer/director Scott Handcock’s knowledge and love for the character, and Alexander Vlahos’ ability to slip straight back into Dorian’s shoes – as well as Robert Harvey’s excellent sound design – that I really doubt anyone will remember all of this when they relisten to this story while walking on the beach in that longed-for future when C19 returns to being best known as the successor to UNIT!

As the old saying goes, given lemons, make lemonade – and Handcock has made a virtue of the unusual situation by making this Dorian talking on the phone. To whom and why would be a spoiler, but suffice it to say that it’s a tale that uses the current world events both as its raison d’être and metaphorically. After all, we know there are certain things that even Dorian feels…

Verdict: There’s a lot of new art being created during this Corona crisis, and it’s good to know that Big Finish are continuing to tell stories. An enjoyably disturbing tale. 8/10

Paul Simpson

This story is available free from the Big Finish website