The Cerritos ensigns must assist a caretaker on the voyage of a historically significant starship.

The TNG-era animated show returns for a fourth season, with the crew of the Cerritos tasked with bringing a decommissioned vessel to its new home as a museum, and wouldn’t you just know that there’s something on board that threatens such a straight-forward manoeuvre?

This is a confident show, the characters all fully established, and there’s still fun to be had spotting the various Star Trek Easter Eggs (there’s even a nod to the recent crossover episode with Strange New Worlds). The Holodeck launches familiar programmes and much fun is made of a certain show’s less-than-solid science, but it’s all done with affection.

Verdict: ‘This ship is outdated and smells like Borg.’ More of the same – and, if anything, the show shows maturity. 7/10

Nick Joy