Problems start to hit Jurassic World – and they’re felt by the young campers…

Inevitably there had to be a thread in this series with the youngsters getting in touch with their feelings, and it’s been pretty clear from the start of the show that the link between Darius and his father was going to be at its heart. The inference from the opener was that Darius’ father was no longer around, and in this episode we spend quite a bit of time with father and son as Darius learns that life doesn’t always go the way you want (as if anyone in 2020 really needs that lesson being spelled out!).

That aside, there’s a lot going on – the kids are basically abandoned by Dave and Roxie who go to find out what the problems are, and there’s arguments over Brooklynn’s phone after it “mysteriously” vanishes (and there’s a really sneaky coda to that for this episode towards the end). But when they come under attack by the Indominus Rex, it’s time for them to try to work together, and there’s some great moments with the zipwire (many of which were of course in the trailer). We’re back to the arguments at the end, but the reality of their situation continues to hit home.

As we reach the halfway point of this series, it’s maintaining a strong forward momentum, helped by the audience knowledge that everything isn’t just falling apart – it’s going to hell and gone…

Verdict: The backstory elements perhaps could have arrived earlier, but another strong instalment otherwise. 8/10

Paul Simpson

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