by Simon Guerrier and Steve O’Brien

Insight Editions, out now

An illustrated guide to all things Slayer.

Have you ever wondered how many times Giles has been knocked out? Do you idly muse upon the number of vampires Buffy has slain on screen? Or perhaps how Cordelia would rank the worst outfits Willow wore in high school keeps you up at night? Well, here’s your chance to find out! After reviewing all 144 episodes of the cult series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Slayer Stats is the definitive infographic guide to all things demon-y and witch-y, as well as the Sunnydale residents you know and love/abhor.

Comprised of detailed character profiles, obscure Hellmouth history and bizarre compilations – such as Xander’s most embarrassing moments plotted on a graph – Slayer Stats is the ultimate source of useless yet intriguing Buffy the Vampire Slayer trivia. Thoroughly researched and beautifully illustrated, it would make the perfect gift for any diehard Buffy fan with a hankering to learn the worst pickup lines ever spoken on a Hellmouth – “Did Willow tell you I like cheese?”

Verdict: Marvellously pointless and utterly fascinating. 8/10

Sophie Simpson