A screaming web of pain.

Building on the theories uncovered in the last episode, we appear to have a supernatural time-bending phenomenon acting on disparate people across the US continent. But knowing what these strange events involve, as the urban legends seep through society’s collective grapevine in the months from September to November, can people manipulate it? Can they control it through their own will or is their destiny an unavoidable pre-determined fact?

Skylar discovers the answers to the above in a most earth shattering and devastating way, and her brother Justin and their mother are caught in the screaming web of pain depicted in the graphics. I empathise with her viewpoint and actions in the opening minutes, anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved-one would be, especially if that loss was untimely and sudden, but the way the consequences unfold is gripping, unexpected and doubly tragic.

I flippantly mentioned existentialism in the review for episode 6, but that theme gets real this time, and for me, episode 7 is a real tipping point in the entire Calls series. More than any other so far, this episode moved me and stayed with me for quite a while afterwards.

It seems that in the world being built in this narrative, you can try to change your destiny if you want to exert your will over it, but in the guise of ‘the Universe’, destiny seems to have a vindictive nature and there is a high price to pay. This is turning out to be much deeper (and more impressive) than your average apocalyptic story.

Verdict: Calls asks the big questions in this impressive tear-jerking instalment. 9/10

Claire Smith