A family gathers in 2019 to celebrate the birth of a new family member, unaware that in five years time the world will be a very different place.

Families. Who’d have ’em? In Russell T Davies’ near future drama there are global events shaping the world and yet it’s the events at home that are the most pressing concern. Rather cleverly inserting a very recent news headline (Doris Day’s death) the production ensures that it is contemporary before it starts rolling forward the years.

In 2024 we still have the same concerns as today (outspoken politicians with no political party, refugee crisis) but the tech has advanced in a credible manner. From wearable emoji/filter masks to servant sex robots this is a future that we can believe in, and these are trappings to time-locate the series, not plot devices. Saying that, one character wants to abandon her body and become fully digital.

Writing engaging drama has always been Davies’ strength, and he surrounds himself with Doctor Who alumni (Russell Tovey, Jessica Hynes, Anne Reid), as well as Humans’ Dino Fetscher and Black Mirror’s Rory Kinnear. It’s a strong cast, each given their moment to establish their corner of this universe that’s about to change forever.

Verdict: As the opening episode for a six-part drama this is a strong hour that sets up the jeopardy both within the microcosm of the family and on the wider global stage. I’m intrigued to see whether humanity rapidly descends into chaos and just how Emma Thompson’s Vivienne Rook is embraced by the people. There’s also trademark scenes that you can just imagine Davies chuckling at as he typed them up, knowing he’d ruffle feathers. 8/10

Nick Joy