exorcist-1-4All sides prepare for the battle for Casey’s soul…

There’s a lot going on in this episode, although it does feel overall as if pieces are being moved around the chessboard ready for the critical attempt at exorcism coming shortly. Tomas faces temptation, hidden secrets are revealed regarding his benefactor, Marcus discovers that there are other ways to deal with demons than the ones he’s been wed to for some many years – and the demon inside Casey does his best to force her to submit to its will. The latter scenes are quite harrowing, and give us a clear insight into the teenager’s true character as the demon shows its true colours.

The family drama isn’t ignored – there’s a rather unsubtle end of act panning around the dining table to Casey’s empty seat – but rather than either Alan Ruck or Geena Davis’ well-played concern for their daughter, it’s worth watching Brianne Howey’s strong performance as Katherine, a character who I’m hoping we’ll see more development for in the second half of the season.

The episode title works on many levels; we get a discussion as to why the demon is appearing in Chicago in 2016, as well as the different ways that exorcism can be approached – the scenes between Ben Daniels’ Marcus and the young nun emphasise the humanity that has to power the exorcist.

But it’s the last scene that brings everything sharply back into focus…

Verdict: An episode that draws out the tension. 8/10

Paul Simpson