Adric recalls an unusual encounter.

Newcomer Rochana Patel provides the second story in this new collection of Short Trips, setting her tale mainly in the period between Warriors’ Gate and The Keeper of Traken, when the Fourth Doctor and Adric are travelling together in the aftermath of Romana and K9’s decision to stay in E-Space and assist the Tharils. It’s a difficult time for the young Alzarian and Patel gives Matthew Waterhouse as Adric plenty of material to demonstrate the boy’s issues with the way he’s being treated. The story has a double edge to it, with part of it a flashback to an encounter within E-Space and the way that Romana, the Doctor and Adric dealt with it – very oddly, there appears to be no reference to K9, which does alter the dynamic quite considerably.

Richard Fox’s sound design and music reflect the differing tones of the parts of the story, and director Lisa Bowerman brings a nuanced performance from Waterhouse.

Verdict: As with the first story in the set, there’s an air of melancholia to this – in keeping with the darker feel of Season 18. 7/10

Paul Simpson

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