Something is making Jack even hornier than ever…

The second box set of Torchwood’s “fifth season” kicks off with a graphic tale – sexual and violent – that gives John Barrowman plenty of opportunity to indulge in Jack Harkness’ love of double (or far more often, single) entendres.

As with elements of the first four episodes, it does feel rather as if we’re revisiting the very first season, although here the sexual content fits in far better, and writer Christopher Cooper uses the virus to explore the characters of Gwen and Jack. We know now that Alexandria Riley’s NG (not-Gwen) has somehow possessed Gwen’s body (and Eve Myles as the real Gwen isn’t best pleased by what she’s doing with it!), but it seems as if some of the real Gwen’s attitudes are affecting her, given the final sequence with Rhys.

The story also moves the main “aliens among us” plot forward with a deal of necessity, and some intriguing manoeuvring by both Tyler and Ro-Jedda. Couple that with the return of Sergeant Andy, and you have a solid start to the second tranche of adventures.

Verdict: A graphic and engrossing start. 8/10

Paul Simpson