cnncm0104_agamblewithtime_1417Counter-Measures encounter the man who tried to break the bank at Monte Carlo…

John Dorney’s final story in this box set is very much in the mould of the Seventies ITC series like The Champions, as the team head to Monte Carlo to deal with a potential sale of alien tech. You can imagine the dodgy back projection and the not-quite-coloured-right establishing shots over Nick Briggs’ music as well as the repeated references to where they are, just so you make sure you don’t think they’re really on a backlot in darkest Berkshire…

Carolyn Seymour’s Lady Claire makes a great antagonist for the team, and Dorney gives her plenty of great moments – including one that feels as if things have gone a bit awry and a monologue is taking place! It’s another tale that takes regular sharp right turns, and plays off some of the assumptions that listeners (and the team) make after six box sets of adventures with each of the Counter-Measures team taken by surprise at one point or other.

The series has taken on a more international jet-setting flavour in this box set, and hopefully given the range a new lease of life – more please, soon.

Verdict: A clever tale to cap off an enjoyable set of adventures. 8/10

Paul Simpson