A bored Doctor investigates strange events on the UNIT phone lines…

Erin Horakova’s debut story for Big Finish picks up on an oddity of the phone system from decades ago, and builds it into a bittersweet tale for the third Doctor and Liz Shaw. At the (rough) time this is set – one particular mention puts it rather later than normal UNIT dating – there were certain ways around the phone system (particularly, if say hypothetically your father had placed a phone lock on the dial!) but this takes things to a much higher level than simply tapping on the phone rest to simulate the number of clicks. Horakova incorporates this into the plot well, with some good commentary on the way that the Doctor regards his exile.

Mark Reynolds returns for a second time this year to give a good rendition of Pertwee’s performance as the Doctor, although he doesn’t try to emulate Caroline John’s Liz. Director Nicholas Briggs keeps things going at a speedy rate – there are moments where perhaps a little breathing room might have helped – and Richard Fox’s sound design luckily doesn’t bring to life every aural cue!

Verdict: An intriguing idea brought to life well. 8/10

Paul Simpson

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